Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Next to my desk in the office I have a list of things I wanted to do in 2010. It includes things like cutting out pop (soda for some of you) and fast food, lose 10 pounds, complete 1 creative project per month and down towards the bottom of the list is "Blog 3x's per month"

As you can see... I have not been keeping up with that one. The first few I'm proud to say that I'm making great strides in but alas the blog has been neglected.

We've had tons of stuff going on lately that I can blog about, just so little time to do it. So I'm making a public declaration that I will catch up on my blogging very soon!!! (Public Declaration is relative considering I don't even know that many actually read the blog...) :)

Hope you're looking forward to spring as much as i am! More to come soon!

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