Laina has been doing so many new things lately. I find myself excited for the crawling stage that she is about to enter but also cringing. Lately when I put her down in the living room to do something in the kitchen, I return to a child who is on the other side of the room. Right now she just rolls and scoots her way around but she's figuring out very quickly that on all 4's is where it is at.
Happy Valentine's Day (I made this horrible shirt but she didn't seem to mind that I made her wear it)
The biggest difference is that she really has a personality. She LOVES to play and what most moms warned me would happen has started, she doesn't want to snuggle... she wants down so she can play. I love it but also will miss having her be such a snuggle bug.
Dan's favorite game to play with her is blocks... and boy do we have plenty.
She watches as Dan puts something together and as soon as he hands it over, she proceeds in systematically taking it a part until it's one big pile of blocks. I wonder where she gets that...
Laina and Cousin Tristan. He likes to show her how to work the toys and then moves on to play with his own matchbox cars.
she's adorable! and don't be too hard on yourself, that shirt is cute!
Ok this is getting a little crazy!!! I need to see Miss Laina again soon!!! We need to seriously schedule something she's stinkin cute!
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